Monday, October 7, 2013

How to Remove Warts on Hands Naturally

By: Jason Ladock

The sight of warts on hands may become a social embarrassment. If left untreated, these warts caused by the Human Papilloma Virus or HPV may spread and cause further discomfort and pain. There are natural ways to remove unsightly warts on the hands and you can do it yourself as well.

• Soak your hand in a container with warm water mixed with some drops of dish soap for at least 20 minutes. Try to remove the moist and loose skin tissue around the warts by using a clean toothbrush. Try to pull out the black spots of the warts. You have to make sure that you clean the infected area of the black dots so most of the virus would be taken out.

• Use apple cider vinegar or white vinegar on the warts. You can submerge your hand on this vinegar for about 20-25 minutes twice a day for better results.

• Use garlic by rubbing it against the warts. You can also blend some garlic directly put it over the warts and then wrap a bandage over. Try to do this once a week until you would notice that your warts have dried out and can be removed.

• You can also make a paste mixture of pounded Vitamin C tablets and some water and apply directly to the warts. Cover with bandage. The acids would get rid of the warts.

• You can also use Aloe Vera on the warts. It keeps the skin moist and the warts are affected by its natural juice that would loosen the skin around the infected area.

• Squeeze the sap from a dandelion and apply on the warts once or twice daily for several days for better results.

• You can also use juice extracts of grapefruit, papaya or pineapple on the warts and cover with some bandage. The inner peeling of a ripe banana can also be used on the warts; just tape a small piece and wrap with a bandage.

• Rub fresh cut up potatoes on the warts several times a day; this may last some weeks until the warts are eliminated.

• You can also use duct tape on the warts by wrapping it around them for about a week. This seals in the warts; after a week, you can soak your hand in warm water to soften the warts then take these out.

• You can buy over the counter drugs like salicylic acid to apply on the warts. Just follow directions to ensure safety and success to remove them.

Aside from these natural remedies, you can also make sure that you have a good diet of fruits and vegetables. A diet high in Vitamins A, C and E would be good to your immune system healthy. Avoid stress as well. All these help to prevent virus to invade your body systems which would lead to possible formation of warts on some parts of your body.

While on treatment, it would be wise to strictly practice good personal hygiene. Remember to wash your hands properly and do the same with the materials you used for treating your warts. This way, virus would not spread to the other parts of your body or contaminate someone else.


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